Danny Don’t Does Mario Kart Deathmatch 2023

With so much Mario Kart footage and so much fun having been had, we’re keeping the stoke going by posting a series of short edits from a few different perspectives. First up is Danny Smith, who showed up in Army gear ready for the war and battled his way to third place.

A Coast Longboarding and Team Pizza staple, Danny has been a Mario Kart Kart competitor for each of the 11 years and has taken home a number of podiums. This year Sgt. Danny suited up like a good soldier and fought his way to a 3rd place finish. Danny was riding the Arbor Axel Serrat 38, Paris Reverse 165mm 50 degree and Axel Serrat Pro 58mm Arbor wheels.

Watch the full Mario Kart Deathmatch video now on our channel and check out the blog post with exclusive photos here on our website!

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