North Vancouver Learn To Stop City Fest Popcorn Fundraiser

One of the things we do at Flatspot is teach people how to skate. Some basics can really help you figure out your new life on a skateboard and some tips and tricks can help you progress from there. We like to call our regular skate session ‘Lear To Stop’ because learning to stop is often a lot harder than learning to roll. Felling safe about getting off the board helps everything else come more naturally. Stopping is also going to be your first tool in an emergency, not going faster.

The Learn To Stop program, taught free each week around Vancouver, is how we got connected with the North Vancouver City Fest. This year, they also invited us to connect with Queen Mary Elementary School in North Vancouver and join them for a Popcorn Fundraiser for City Fest and offer the free clinic to the kids.

The bell rang and everyone piled out for popcorn and skateboarding and Mischa Chandler and Les Robertson strapped the kids with helmets and gave them some boards and taught them all they needed to know to get going safely. Kids learn fast so the students we booting around the courtyard immediately.

Check out the rest of the photos thanks to City Fest volunteer Raunie Baker // insta @rauniemaeb