
Flatspot Team: Kyle Wein

Just dripping with steeze, kyle whips up enough gnar sauce to fill the deep end. Some say he uses his dreads as a counter balance. . . 

Note* Its a bad idea not to wear a helmet, even kyle will tell you so.


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608 bearing

Bearings: A Semi-Factual Analysis

Bearings:  A semi-factual analysis 
Do you have Reds?
What are you fastest bearings?
Whats better, built in or not?

Bearings can be misleading and difficult to wrap your head around when shopping for new ones. Check this if your brain has been itching, hopefully we can dispell some myths and clear up some haziness. 

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S9 Lighting Travel Bags

Today these epic travel bags from Sector nine rolled in the door. Doesn’t matter if you are going to the European race circuite or down south marryhill, this bag is made for skaters leaving their warm and comfortable homes to go release their shreddency on the world. 



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112 E. Pender St., Chinatown
Vancouver, B.C.
V6A 2V2


604 899 8937


  • Mon: 10am-7pm
  • Tues: 10am-7pm
  • Wed: 10am-7pm
  • Thurs: 10am-7pm
  • Fri: 10am-7pm
  • Sat: 10am-7pm
  • Sun: 10am-5pm

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The TALISMAN from Boz Boards

This board is a well tuned and seemless combination of many fantastic freeride features. Which is a complicated way of saying that its awesome.

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You know all those things that you like about you? Your personality, sense of humor, your memories etc. Well those are all kept in this mushy ball in your head, and if you shake it up, it gets scrambled and then you are NOT you anymore. Scary eh? That being said, WEAR A GOD DAM HELMET. 

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