
FUBU Vancouver 2018 // An All-Womyn Longboarding Weekend

After years of being a successful Toronto event, FUBU, an All-Womyn Longboarding Weekend event, has made its way to Vancouver. While never specifically “for men”, I am sure we can all agree, most of the longboard events are hosted and participated in by men and others take a back seat to their presence, intentional or not. Additionally, while these events might be open to all genders and skill levels, they are primarily “egalitarian” and not actually designed to welcome less experienced people and foster their time there at the event. Typically events are geared to a higher level of skill, whether or not they are competitive, and those with the most skills get to dominate the space. The FUBU events are geared to welcome not just womyn, but all skill levels, and there is a distinct tone of fun and friendliness that rarely exists in other event spaces.

We are stoked to for Vancouver’s first FUBU and hopeful for more to come in years ahead. Hope to see you there!

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