Get Dirty Dancing with Flatspot Longboards

Dancing isn’t reserved for just the dance floor. Why not put those fancy foot moves to work on a new board?


We’ve said it in the past, and we’ll continue to say it, WALKING IS FOR CHUMPS! The great thing about skateboarding is theres virtually a limitless amount of ways to ride them. Some people like to go fast, others like to push across countries and some like to do flip tricks. Skating has always been something you can enjoy by yourself or with a friend, and there nothing like throwing in a pair of headphones and getting an escape for the daily madness of life.

Of the many ways to ride a board, dancing is certainly one of the most accessible ways of enjoying it. It’s been scientifically proven that dancing is good for the soul. So when you add that with a skateboard you’ve essentially created a 4 wheel, expressway to nirvana. We teamed up with our good friend Craig from Steep Shop Photography and got our skateboard boogy on.

You don’t need to be the next Adam Colton to enjoy the endless possibilities of a dancer. Same as all dancers aren’t built the same, neither are the styles that make dancing so much fun. Sure you’ve got your tiger claws, and g-turns and cross-steps. But theres something fulfilling about pulling off a shov-it on a board nearly the same height as you are.

While we’re usually one for putting our boards sideways, or hitting a hairpin at 80kph. We won’t lie however, we couldn’t resist the temptation of cross stepping these bad boys. Thanks to a few tips we’d learned at the weekly Vancouver Flatland Session, we were dancing in no time. We hit the seawall early in the morning and couldn’t have asked for a better way to start our day.

There is always a learning curve when it comes to skating in this photo shoot was no different. We took plenty of spills and thankfully we caught a few on camera. Don’t take our inability to be perfect skaters 24/7 as a “don’t try this at home”. We highly encourage each and every one of you to try something new, go outside of your comfort level and put your feet to work…just wear a helmet! Dancing was never something we’d thought we’d get to try, but luckily we did…and it was awesome.

Flatspot Dancer Picks

Thankfully we’ve got plenty of boards to choose from in store and online. We went ahead and picked out of favorite dancing decks ready for you to put them to work.

    All photos shot by Steep Shot Photography

    If you haven’t found a board your looking for with our picks, be sure to check out our full selection in our store. We’ve got one of Canada’s largest selection of decks and completes ready to ship worldwide.


    If you have any questions please feel free to shoot us an email at, message us on facebook, or call at 604 899 8937!