Flatspot Weekly 30.03.2016: Subscriber Contest, Highway Jam V Video, Landy Apparel and a Sector 9 Sale!

Welcome to our weekly summation of all things rad!

Here’s a brief overview of what are stoked on:

VIDEO: Highway Jam V


This Highway Jam was brought to you by us and us only! Normally we partner with brands. But this time we mixed up the locations and format and did whatever we wanted. It was rad. It was casual. Good times were had and gnar was shredded.

Flatspot Longboards – Landyachtz Actually Totally Rad Apparel 2016

Landyachtz Apparel 2016 Flatspot Longboartds

Its not often you find actually rad apparel from a longboard company (apart from ours of course). The focus has almost always been on the gear, not whatever you wear while riding it. But for this brief moment in time, we will allow ourselves to be distracted. Because Landyachtz actually released an epic line of apparel. But actually though!

Sector 9 Spring Sale

Sector 9 Spring Sale Flatspot Longboards

Hope you are all as stoked on spring as we are! Get outside and soak up that precious vitamin D, it will make you a better person (its true, ask science).

To celebrate this lovely turn of weather, we have Sector 9 decks, completes and wheels on sale!

NewsLetter Subscriber Contest

newsletter subscribe contest


Sign-up for the 2016 newsletter and win some gear and Flatspot swag!

In our newsletter you will find recent video edits, gear reviews, more contests and other rad happenings!

All you have to do is subscribe and you are entered to win some free Flatspot swag!

Click here!

Don’t worry if you are already subscribed to the Flatspot Longboards newsletter. Just click here and make sure you get all the latest from Flatspot Longboards. Don’t worry,  if we already have your info, we won’t send it to you twice ?

Also, this is the first of two prizes we are giving away:

first prize