Bad Decisions Alex Best of: 2016 – Skate[Slate].TV

Alex gets better and better at follow car filming every year. The style of the riders change, and low and behold, there are a bunch of clips of our boy Sho Ouellette that made it in there!

Alex Owen Ameen is undisputedly the best follow car filmer in longboarding. There you have it. Disagree? Just watch this video, we don’t need to make an arguement, the facts are self apparent. He makes it look so easy that you should never, ever believe for even a second, that you can pull this off. As you can see from this video. People fall off their boards all the friggin time. Other drivers, dogs, livestock, potholes and random wet patches also add some spice to the mix. The result, completely and utter sketchiness resulting in feeling extremely and fully alive and in the moment. Hope you enjoy the edit.


If you enjoyed that edit, than you will definitely be down with the work Alex Ameen has done with Flatspot team rider Sho Ouellette.


    If you have any questions please feel free to shoot us an email at, message us on facebook, or call at 604 899 8937!